Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thing 7 - a Sidebar

As a music teacher I am very blessed to be on a campus and in a district that considers what I do with students everyday to be essential to their education. This is not the case everywhere, however, and music teachers are constantly searching for new ways to validate what we do to teachers, principals, board members, the government and so on.
What does this have to do with the Things? In the course of my exploration, I discovered Google Scholar. I typed in "music education" and in 30 seconds had an article explaining the physiology of how music affects childrens emotions and is an effective tool in sustaining memory.
And I smile and say...I told you so.


LKP said...

That is sooooo cool!! What a wonderful way to have validation on hand, and I agree with you about Firewalls, maybe we could find a way to "burn" them all down?!?

Happy Harping said...

I am a special education teacher but also a musician. I have always believed in the great power of music. It is truly a tool that helps us in so many ways. I teach better because of my music. Keep it up !!