Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tool #2

My initial response (and I know that it is the response of many others) is along the lines of "You want me to what?" and "How am I really going to have time to do all of this!" But when I think about it - a significant portion of my planning time is spent online researching ideas for lessons. Why not use that time discussing with my closer colleagues whom I trust? For most of my years I have been the only music teacher at my school - opportunities for discussion with other music teachers have been few and far between. Its possible now, however, to communicate more effectively. I see how blogging has the potential to be useful - I'm reserving judgement to see if I will actually use it to that potential! I loved the information on DC - Darth Commenter. That may be part of my reservation - how many times have we been warned that digital information does not disappear! Once I put my ideas out there - its a "judge me" free for all. Well, not really, but that is a hump I will have to get over...

1 comment:

Ashley B said...

I agree so very much. I also wonder if the merging of minds through blogs online is less efficient because it is more difficult to pick out what is beneficial for YOU in a blog than a list or more structured means of contributing information.